sailing.jpgIn this seminar you will learn how to effectively introduce and implement an agile approach in projects. This will make your projects more flexible, controllable and faster. The practice-oriented approach. Hands-on workshop with long-term effect

This practice-oriented seminar on agile project management teaches:

  • Theoretical basics of the widely used methods of agile project management (SCRUM and DSDM ATERN)
  • Experiential knowledge about the optimal use of agile procedures from 12 years of agile project practice
  • Immediately implement and test agile practice during the seminar on a complex task

By focusing on direct practical experience in a team, they will implement agility immediately and sustainably in their projects.
Our project management training is based on the following concepts:

  • Practical project management training as an instructive team experience: How agile management of a complex system (the "WHAT") becomes successful through the right team dynamics (the "HOW")!
  • What the participants experience and work out themselves with action learning, they implement directly as what they have learned. In a challenging and playful project with LEGO MINDSTORMS, the teams grow beyond themselves and gain direct practical experience in the application of agile principles.
  • The group potentiates its knowledge through the comprehensive exchange of experiences and best practice approaches: With LEGO SERIOUS PLAY™ and Knowledge Café, all participants reflect on their experience, build their knowledge through dialogue and anchor it sustainably. The discussions are lively, result-oriented and visible.

Results & Benefits
The participants of the programme reflect, define and internalise their principles of agile project management on these topics:

  • What is the difference between agile and traditional methods?
  • What makes a project successfully agile?
  • What are the special requirements for agile teams?
  • How does my project become a "learning team"?

Dates on request

Phone: 040 42 101 40, mail request