CoCreACT® Online


Actively shaping the future: visions for the post-Corona era

3+ SESSIONS – Create visions together based on scenarios to prepare for an uncertain future. Take control of progress and develop concrete plans now.

From reaction to action: setting effective impulses together

1+ SESSION (RECOMMENDED: HALF DAY +) – Use the CoCreACT® process to generate concrete ideas and insights for your most promising challenges to quickly achieve actionable results.

Virtual Team Reboot: New Ways for New Work

1+ SESSION(S) – Give your team the space to reflect on the situation together, have productive discussions and explore new solutions in a targeted manner to make your shared future successful.


Acting in Ambiguity: Collaboration in Uncertainty

1 SESSION MIN. 90 MIN - What do you do when you don't know what to do but feel like you have to do something? Prepare to face uncertainty alone and with others.

Being in Ambiguity: Activating Discomfort as Potential

1 SESSION AT LEAST 90 MINUTES – Understand what triggers your discomfort in ambiguous situations. Learn how new principles can sustainably improve your attitude and self-efficacy.

Unfolding in Ambiguity: A Virtual CoCreACT® Retreat

4 SESSIONS – Learn the most important tools to tackle ambiguous challenges and use uncertainty as potential.


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